Baby Care
NASK Nanofiber Rash-free Germ-killing Baby Diapers and Pants

Nanofiber Layers - Medical-grade Care of Diaper Rash and Various Skin Infections
Babies have delicate skin with weak barriers, making them susceptible to external stimuli and infections. With patented sterilization technology, NASK Nanofiber Baby Diapers provide medical-grade c...
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Repeated Baby Diaper Rash? Sterilization Diapers is the Ultimate Solution!
When the baby has diaper rash, what should be done? In fact, there is a magic way to cure diaper rash! NASK's nanofiber baby diapers and pull-up pants use patented sterilization technology to hit t...
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Differences among Sterilization, Bacteriostatic, Antisepsis and Disinfection
Although they are all about destroying bacteria, the difference among the terms and the standards are very different. The concepts of "sterilization", "bacteriostatic", "antisepsis" and "disinfecti...
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NASK Nanofiber Protective Masks Respirators: PM2.5, N95, N99, FFP2

Do Masks Really Work? Classification & Selection
自從新冠肺炎疫情席捲全球以來,口罩被廣泛用於防護呼吸道傳染病。醫護人員和實驗室人員均需佩戴。但是否任意口罩都有用呢?No! 口罩的有效性建立在選擇正確的口罩並佩戴得當的基礎上。HappynCare便為大家介紹口罩的有效性、不同種類,以及如何選購口罩。NASK與您共同努力,形成良好的防護習慣,為營造一個更安全的生活環境貢獻力量。每個人的小小舉動,彙聚成強大的防護網,守護我們共同的健康與未來。
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How Much do You Know about Influenza Flu - This Article Walks you Through Influenza A and B
Influenza A and B viruses can derive new strains through sporadic genetic mutations, causing large-scale outbreaks. They are the most common types of influenza in Hong Kong. There has been a major ...
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Four Things Not to Do During the Flu
The influenza is a common viral infection usually accompanied by symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle pain. Proper care and self-management are very important for patients. The fl...
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NASK Nanofiber Adult Diaper: prevent skin infections, promote wound healing and remove urine odor

Nask Adult Diaper - Increase the Happiness of Users and Caregivers
The pressure of having a bedridden relative at home will only be understood after experiencing it. The elderly or people with incontinence often need adult diapers. Choosing the right adult diaper ...
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How to Choose the Right Adult Diapers for the Elderly?
This article will guide you through all the six key points when purchasing adult diapers! The world is facing the problem of an aging population. The physical functions of the elderly are gradually...
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Incontinence? No Worries! A Comprehensive Look at the Causes, Tips and Recommended Products
Lifehacks to make incontinence traceless! NASK nanofiber adult diapers use advanced patented nanofiber technology to effectively remove odor and effectively kill 99% of bacteria. Nanofibers redistr...
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